Conchological Society field meetings take place between late March and early November. They usually support the Society's Marine and Non-Marine recording schemes, local recording schemes, or conservation minded landowners, but may also include activities such as visits to fossil mollusc locations. It is advisable before turning up for these meeting to check you are suitably dressed and equipped; and please check that you are familiar with the Society's general code of conduct and health and safety policy. A comprehensive list of the location of past meetings is available here.
Please contact the leader in advance if you plan to attend a field meeting; and, if you are held up while traveling to a meeting, please contact the leader if possible so that you don't make people wait for you.
Members are advised to keep a regular watch on this website for updates. The Co-19 uncertainties that impacted the field programme have declined and so it is anticipated that problems and restrictions will be minimal. We will, however, be keeping a close watch on any developments; specific meeting arrangements and other changes will appear on the Society website which Society Members are advised to visit regularly. It is essential for those wishing to attend ANY of the meetings, to contact the leader in advance (ideally at least a few days before) to book a place and obtain further details. Thank you for your patience in this regard.
Saturday 13 September 2025
FIELD MEETING (non-marine): Wyre Forest, Worcestershire
Leader: Rosemary Hill (; 0121 4431459)
This will be a joint meeting with the Wyre Forest Study Group (WFSG). Arrangements in progress. Further details will appear on the society website.
Further field meetings are currently being planned, (including some opportunistically, often at short notice) the details of which will be posted onto the Conchological Society website. Society members are encouraged to check this regularly for notification of such meetings as well for updates on the other fixed dates.
Meeting Programme compiled by Matt Law. Contacts for meetings related matters are either Matt Law
( or Rosemary Hill (
The Programme Secretary will be very happy to receive any offers to lead field meetings.