Recent news

 Message from the new president, Mike Allen, welcomes all to the Society.

The Congress of Malacology will take place on the Azores from the 21st - 28th July 2013. It is now open for contributions

The report from the AGM (including the reports from Society officers) is now available. The business included approving a new category of "Junior membership" for those under 18 who only wish to receive Mollusc World.

The annual book auction has now closed but the sale list remains open. This raises funds for the Society and helps members to find books about shells and related subjects, and to dispose of unwanted books.

We need help to create a marine mollusc reference collection at the NHM:  Update, 6 February 2013

To help raise funds for the Society and to help member to find books about shells and related subjects, and to dispose of unwanted books, the Society runs an annual book auction and sale.   The last auction has now closed;  the sale list remains open.

Since the BBC Wildlife Fund was established in 2007, it has raised nearly £3 million and supports 87 projects around the world. It is now scheduled to be axed. Sign the petition to save it.


Images of a Pteropod taken by Tom Ashton at St Andrews. Pteropds are a group of molluscs that are free swimming, living in the water column generally near the surface. There are two broad types - those that lack a shell (order Gymnosomata) and those which have a shell (order Thecosomata). The species photographed here is shell-less.


Summary of molluscs found by Ian Smith during a visit to a couple of sites on the Mersey. Includes images of some seaslugs including Onchidoris bilamellata and the tiny Tergipes tergipes.


A new identification book ("A guide to stuff you find on the beach") aimed at 6 to 8 year olds was launch on Easter Monday. This guide was the idea of 6 year old Amy Winterbottom and covers the shells, seaweeds and pebbles of the East Anglian coast.