Join or renew now!

There are a number of benefits to joining the Society and membership is open to anyone. You can join or renew your membership on-line using a Paypal account by clicking one of the links below: 

Ordinary Membership

Covers one individual, entitling them to attend and to vote at all Society meetings, and to receive one copy of each Mollusc World and Journal of Conchology as published during the year.

Family/Joint Membership

Covers two members living at the same address. Both are entitled to attend and to vote at all Society meetings. Only one copy of each Mollusc World and one copy of each Journal of Conchology as published during the year will be sent to the address.

Institutional Membership

An Institute receives one copy of each Mollusc World and Journal of Conchology as published during the year.

Cost: £33.00  Cost: £35.00
Cost: £47.00
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Junior Membership

May attend all Society meetings, but may not vote. Receives one copy of each Mollusc World as published during the year (no Journal of Conchology). Only open to those under 18 years of age.

Student Membership

May attend all Society meetings, but may not vote. Receives one copy of each Mollusc World and Journal of Conchology as published during the year.


Cost: £5.00 Cost: £15.00
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Please address any payment queries, specific membership queries or any more general membership queries to the Membership Secretary at

If you would prefer to pay by cheque, please send your payment (made out to The Conchological Society of GB & Ireland) to the Membership Secretary Victoria Burton, Centre for UK Nature, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD.