Leptochiton cancellatus
<em>Leptochiton cancellatus</em> (G B Sowerby II, 1840)
Leptochiton cancellatus

Leptochiton cancellatus photographed Galway, west coast of Ireland
Leptochiton cancellatus

Leptochiton cancellatus photographed Galway, west coast of Ireland
Leptochiton cancellatus

Leptochiton cancellatus photographed Galway, west coast of Ireland
Leptochiton cancellatus showing foot

Leptochiton cancellatus showing foot. Animal collected in Guernsey.
Leptochiton cancellatus showing foot

Leptochiton cancellatus showing foot. Animal collected in Jersey.
Leptochiton cancellatus showing detail of girdle and valve scupture

Leptochiton cancellatus showing detail of girdle and valve scupture. Taken on Côtes d'Armor.
Leptochiton cancellatus from Côtes d'Armor

Leptochiton cancellatus from Côtes d'Armor
Leptochiton cancellatus
Occurs on Atlantic coasts from the southern parts of Norway down to the Mediterranean. It is found through-out the British Isles though is not common.
Lives on the underside of stones and pebbles embedded in silty sand. It feeds by grazing material from the rock surface using its radula. It occurs very low on the shore down to depths of 900m.
- Tall rounded arch shaped intermediate valves
- Valve sculpture of chain like rows
- Baxter, J.M. and Jones, A.M. 1987. Molluscs: Caudofoveata Solenogastres Polyplacophora and Scaphopoda. London.
Size: Up to about 9mm long. Shape: Relatively narrow girdle with the shell making up 80-90% of the width.