Published in July 2007. Has 24 pages with a mixture of black and white and colour photographs.
- Guest editorial Mary Seddon
- Molluscs & Misericords John Robinson
- Calling all gardeners Chris Buckle
- Assiminea grayana on the NW coast Simon Taylor
- Treasurer’s Report 2006 Pryce Buckle
- Ardingly field trip March 2007 Ron Boyce
- Shell ornaments in the Palaeolithic Nick Barton
- More news from South Yorkshire Robert Cameron
- Papillifera papillaris in Britain Janet Ridout Sharpe
- Balea heydeni in Sussex Robert Cameron
- Snailing in western Bulgaria Peter Topley
- Marine Recorder’s Report 2006 Jan Light
- Mass Stranding of Lutraria lutraria Tom Clifton
- Stoke Wood, April 2007 Caitlin and James Potter
- New Zealand Native Flax Snail Adrian Norris
- Pupilla muscorum under review Adrian Norris
- Plans for River Lune Mussels Adrian Norris
- Are litter snails rare this year? David Long
- Zenobiella subrufescens: not just a old woodland species? David Long
- Non-marine recording scheme Adrian Norris
- Non-marine recording activity, 2006 Jan Light