Mollusc World - Issue 34

Mollusc World - Issue 34

Published in March 2014. 


2 Introduction: new Marine Recorder Simon Taylor
4 Nacre and bone tissue engineering Jian Ping Fan
6 Calma gobioophaga: new UK Record David Fenwick
7 Nora McMillan and Stella Turk June Chatfield
13 Autumn book sale / new members
14 Book Review: The K2 man Peter Topley
     Osilinus lineatus eaten on Alderney John Glasgow
15 Snail speeds (and other oddities) Robert Cameron
     Patricia Highsmith and snails Colin McLeod
16 Rearing and breeding the sacoglossan sea slug, Limapontia senestra Ian Smith
18 Molluscs in Scotland meeting Adrian Sumner
21 Non–marine molluscs from Southwell Business Park, Portland, Dorset Chris Gleed–Owen
23 Course: Beachcombing and seashells June Chatfield
24 The Way We Were – 1897 style Brian Goodwin
26 Tortoise and Roman Snail 25 years on June Chatfield
27 Pot luck on the Yorkshire coast! Paula Lightfoot
29 Snail Water – a 17th century recipe Rosemary Payne
     Marine Recorder’s report 2012 Bas Payne
30 About the Society/Instructions to authors
31 It’s a cracker!
     British Shell Collectors’ Club programme
     Diary of meetings (continued from back cover)
31 Diary of meetings