Honorary Membership for Pryce Buckle Congratulations are due to Pryce Buckle, who has been awarded an Honorary Membership by the Conchological Society. Pryce put a huge amount of dedication into the role of Hon. Treasurer during his tenure; moreover he successfully taught himself all about website software in order to produce and maintain the Society’s website at a time when the software to do so was much less user-friendly than it is now. Other work of his has included indexing of Conchological Society publications and extraction of historical material, including obituaries of well known conchologists, for the web site. His useful knowledge of the Society’s rules and procedures has also been much valued. Pryce is known as a respected naturalist both within the Society and with other organisations such as the Hertfordshire Natural History Society where he was Mollusc Recorder for 25 years. The picture above shows Pryce at the all day Council meeting in 2006. As this magazine was about to go to press, news came in that Jan Light, who has held the role of Hon. Marine Recorder for the Conchological Society for 20 years (and is appropriately featured in ‘On the spot’ on page 9) has decided to step down from this role for medical reasons. I am sure we would all agree with Bas Payne who writes that “we owe her an enormous debt for the way in which she has contributed her enthusiasm and skill over these years”. Please continue to send marine recording enquiries to marine@conchsoc.org : they will be re-routed to others to deal with. Our new Web Site is now up and running and you can find the address in the footer at the bottom of each page. Please continue to send in interesting articles or snippets for publication in Mollusc World. Also, be inspired this season and join one or more of our field meetings listed at the back of this issue. Peter Topley |
From the Hon. Editor