- Editorial
- From the Society's new President - Jan Light
- Society Projects
- Arran Field meeting - Peter Dance
- Which Book? A Guide for Tropical Marine Conchologists (Part 2) - Kevin Brown
- News from Ireland - Evelyn Moorkens
- Field visit to the Hampshire Hangers - Terry Wimbleton
- Charonia lampas living in the mouth of the Rover Fowey, Cornwall - Stella Turk & Jan Light
- Conservation News - Martin Willing
- Identification of Ruditapes philippinarum - Ben Rowson
- A colour Guide to Vertigo Species - Ben Rowson
- Ormers in Captivity - Jenny Mallinson
- Update - snail search 2003; why keep looking for 'aliens' - Danielle Cowell
- The DOMMIC Project - Jan Light
- Manilla clams in Britain - Terry Wimbleton
- Ensis emericanus continues to spread - Ian Lilleen
- Freshwater Pearl Mussel workshop - Anne Lewis
- Sn@ilmail
- Paua Shell (Haliotis iris) its cultivation and uses - John Llewellyn Jones
- Bits & Pieces
- Diary of Meetings

Ruditapes philippinarum - Ben Rowson

Guide to Vertigo species - Ben Rowson
Full Plates in this Issue!