Published in March 2012. Has 32 pages including colour photographs.
- Five years of Scottish Canals Adrian Sumner
- The many faces of Akera bullata Clive Craik
- ‘On the spot’ questionnaire: Jan Light
- British Shell Collectors’ Club events
- Molluscan Graffiti Alex Menez
- Survey of land snail diversity in limestone hills in Mfamosing, Nigeria Chris Oke
- Anatomy of marine gastropods without dissection Ian Smith
- Slugs of the British Isles: a new guide and screening Ben Rowson, Roy Anderson, Bill Symondson & James Turner
- Pulteney and Papillifera papillaris Tom Walker
- Molluscs on the money Peter Topley
- Why I hate slugs Graham Saunders
- Rabbit and snail paella June Chatfield
- Oysters as cat food Kevin Brown
- Slug caught in a mouse trap Andrew Fear
- Extracts from some letters of A. E. Ellis Peter Topley
- History from a shell artefact: the ‘Charles W. Morgan’ on a tiger cowry John Llewellyn-Jones
- Mytilus edulis from deep water David McKay
- The Celtic Sea Slug June Chatfield
- Membership update
- Diary of events