

By the time Members (hopefully) read this editorial, the Society would have held a major review meeting to discuss the future of the Society. All of Council is meeting in London on 11th November. The President Julia Nunn has put together an ambitious document for discussion covering all aspects of the running of the Society and subjects relating to its Members. These topics are: Financial review; Society data policy for species records; Role of Society recorders; Recording schemes; Publications; Membership; Meetings; Publicity; Conservation; Society projects; Research; Heritage Lottery Fund application. We hope to be able to summarise the outcome of these discussions in the next issue of Mollusc World.

This summer has also seen a major review of the invertebrate species listed as Priority on the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. The current information I have indicates that none of the existing species have been dropped from the list, a few species have been added (e.g. Omphiscola glabra, Truncatellina cylindrica, Sphaerium solidum) and some proposed candidates have been rejected as not satisfying the qualifying criteria. Hopefully we will be able to publish the definitive new list in the nest issue.

In the meantime, Happy Christmas to all.

Ian Killeen